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Preuves cliniques

Preuves cliniques

La thérapie 3M™ Prevena™

  • Meta-Analysis of Comparative Trials Evaluating a Single-Use Closed-Incision Negative-Pressure Therapy System

    For all meta-analyses performed using the fixed-effects approach, ciNPT usage (PREVENA) demonstrated a statistically significant reduction in incidence of SSI relative to traditional dressings.

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  • Closed Incision Negative Pressure Therapy is Associated with Decreased Surgical Site Infections: A Meta-analysis.

    This meta-analysis suggests that closed incision negative pressure therapy (ciNPT) is effective in lowering the incidence of surgical site infections (SSIs) as compared to standard dressings.

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  • A systematic review and meta-analysis including GRADE qualification of the risk of surgical site infections after prophylactic negative pressure wound therapy compared with conventional dressings in clean and contaminated surgery.

    This meta-analysis indicates that prophylactic Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (pNPWT) significantly reduced the risk of SSIs.

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  • Reduction of groin wound complications in vascular surgery patients using closed incision negative pressure therapy (ciNPT): a prospective, randomised, single-institution study

    PREVENA™ Therapy significantly reduced the incidence of incision complications and revision procedures after vascular surgery.

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  • Closed-incision Negative-Pressure Therapy in Obese Patients Undergoing Cesarean Delivery: A Randomized Controlled Trial

    This RCT suggests that obese women significantly benefit from PREVENA™ after undergoing cesarean delivery

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  • Improving wound healing and preventing surgical site complications of closed surgical incisions: a possible role of Incisional Negative Pressure Wound Therapy. A systematic review of the literature

    The literature showed a decrease in the incidence of infection, seroma/haematoma formation and on the re-operation rates when using iNPWT.

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  • Closed incision negative pressure therapy: international multidisciplinary consensus recommendations

    Development of international multidisciplinary consensus recommendations for the use of closed incision negative pressure therapy (ciNPT)

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  • Incisional Negative Pressure Wound Therapy after High-Risk Lower Extremity Fractures

    Decreased incidence of wound dehiscence and total infections after high-risk lower extremity fractures when patients have incisional NPWT applied.

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  • Negative Pressure Wound Therapy to Treat Hematomas and Surgical Incisions Following High-Energy Trauma

    This RCT demonstrated decreased drainage and improved wound healing after the application of incisional NPWT following both hematomas and severe fractures.

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  • Effect of surgical incision management on wound infections in a poststernotomy patient population.

    PREVENA™ Therapy reduced the incidence of postoperative wound infection after median sternotomy in a comprehensive patient population.

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  • Closed-incision Negative-Pressure Therapy Versus Antimicrobial Dressings After Revision Hip and Knee Surgery: A Comparative Study

    This study may suggests a decrease in wound complications and SSIs in PREVENA™ Therapy-treated patients undergoing revision hip and knee surgery

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  • Negative pressure wound therapy to prevent seromas and treat surgical incisions after total hip arthroplasty.

    Pachowsky M, et al. Negative pressure wound therapy to prevent seromas and treat surgical incisions after total hip arthroplasty. International Orthopaedics. 2012 Apr;36(4):719-22.

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  • The use of a surgical incision management system on vascular surgery incisions: a pilot study.

    Weir G. The use of a surgical incision management system on vascular surgery incisions: a pilot study. Int Wound J. 2014 Jun;11 Suppl 1:10-2.

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  • Positive outcomes with negative pressure therapy over primarily closed large abdominal wall reconstruction reduces surgical site infection rates.

    Compared to standard dressings, Closed Incision Negative Pressure Therapy decreased overall rate of SSI and hernia recurrence in patients undergoing abdominal wall reconstruction with STRATTICE™ Reconstructive Tissue Matrix

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  • Effect of Single-Use Negative Pressure Wound Therapy on Postcesarean Infections and Wound Complications for High-Risk Patients.

    Swift SH, Zimmerman MB, Hardy-Fairbanks AJ. Effect of Single-Use Negative Pressure Wound Therapy on Postcesarean Infections and Wound Complications for High-Risk Patients. Journal of Reproductive Medicine. 2015 June. 60(2):211-218.

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  • Experience with a new negative pressure incision management system in prevention of groin wound infection in vascular surgery patients

    PREVENA™ Therapy significantly decreased the incidence of groin wound infection in patients after vascular surgery and therefore was much more cost effective than intervention.

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Le pansement antimicrobien SILVERCEL™ NON ADHERENT

  • Clinical evaluation of the effect of SILVERCEL® Non-Adherent in wound infections

    When used appropriately, SILVERCEL™ NA helps manage infection effectively and may reduce malodour, exudate, bleeding at dressing change, and pain.

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  • Randomized controlled trial of the use of three dressing preparations in the management of chronic ulceration of the foot in diabetes.

    In patients with diabetic foot ulcers, INADINE™ has the potential for cost savings over hydrofibers.

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  • Case Series Evaluating Iodine Dressings on Chronic Leg Ulcers

    The use of PVP-1 dressings can reduce the bacterial burden in chronic leg ulceration in conjunction with compression therapy.

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Le pansement charbon actif ACTISORB™ SILVER 220

  • Effects of activated charcoal dressings on healing outcomes of chronic wounds.

    ACTISORB™ Silver 220 may help to promote healing and reduce ulcer size.

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ADAPTIC TOUCH™ interface silicone

  • A randomized controlled study evaluating the clinical benefits of a cellulose acetate mesh coated with a soft silicone in the management of acute wounds.

    ADAPTIC TOUCH™ minimises adherence in acute wounds and is equivalent to the current market leader.

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  • Randomized controlled trial on collagen/oxidized regenerated cellulose/silver treatment.

    PROMOGRAN PRISMA™ is more effective on wound healing and controlling bioburden than moist wound healing in DFU.

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  • Early Adoption of Collagen/ORC Therapies Improves Clinical Outcome

    PROMOGRAN PRISMA™ improves healing rates in wounds less than one year old.

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La matrice modulatrice des protéases PROMOGRAN™

  • Health economic burden that different wound types impose on the UK’s National Health Service

    Resource use associated with managing the unhealed wounds was substantially greater than that of managing the healed wounds. Hence, the patient care cost of an unhealed wound is considerably higher than that of a healed wound.

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  • Prospective and randomized evaluation of the protease-modulating effect of oxidised regenerated cellulose/collagen matrix treatment in Pressure sore ulcers.

    PROMOGRAN™ improves healing rates in pressure ulcers and rebalances the wound environment.

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  • Collagen-based wound dressings for the treatment of diabetes-related foot ulcers: a systematic review.

    A systematic review on collagen wound dressings used in treating DFUs, with data including PROMOGRAN PRISMA™ and PROMOGRAN™ clinical studies.

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  • Use of a protease modulating matrix in the treatment of pressure sores.

    PROMOGRAN™ usage as part of an overall strategy in the treatment of pressure sores provides shortened healing times while also improving the overall management of these wounds.

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  • Randomized comparative trial of a collagen/oxidized regenerated cellulose dressing in the treatment of neuropathic diabetic foot ulcers.

    PROMOGRAN™ demonstrates a superior wound healing in patients with neuropathic DFUs.

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La thérapie V.A.C.®

  • A randomised study of NPWT closure versus alginate dressings in peri-vascular groin infections: quality of life, pain and cost.

    In patients with deep peri-vascular groin infection, NPWT therapy was regarded as the dominant strategy, due to improved clinical outcome, with equal measures of cost and quality of life.

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  • Use of Vacuum Assisted Closure Therapy in the Treatment of Diabetic Foot Wounds

    Treating diabetic wounds with V.A.C.® Therapy can result in faster wound bed preparation, a faster closure, and in a better graft take rate when compared to standard wound care.

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  • Comparison of negative pressure wound therapy using vacuum-assisted closure with advanced moist wound therapy in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers: a multicenter randomized controlled trial.

    Blume PA, et al. Comparison of negative pressure wound therapy using vacuum-assisted closure with advanced moist wound therapy in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers: a multicenter randomized controlled trial. Diabetes Care 2008 April 1;31(4):631-6.

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  • State-of-the-art treatment of chronic leg ulcers: A randomized controlled trial comparing vacuum-assisted closure (V.A.C.) with modern wound dressings.

    Vuerstaek JD, et al. State-of-the-art treatment of chronic leg ulcers: A randomized controlled trial comparing vacuum-assisted closure (V.A.C.) with modern wound dressings. Journal of Vascular Surgery 2006 November 1;44(5):1029-38

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  • Negative pressure wound therapy after partial diabetic foot amputation: a multicentre, randomised controlled trial.

    Armstrong DG, et al. Negative pressure wound therapy after partial diabetic foot amputation: a multicentre, randomised controlled trial.Lancet 2005 November 12;366(9498):1704-10.

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  • A prospective randomized evaluation of negative-pressure wound dressings for diabetic foot wounds

    V.A.C.® Therapy decreased wound depth and volume more effectively than moist gauze dressings.

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  • Comparison of health care costs and hospital readmission rates associated with negative pressure wound therapies.

    Law A, Cyhaniuk A, Krebs B. Comparison of health care costs and hospital readmission rates associated with negative pressure wound therapies. Wounds. 2015 Mar;27(3):63-72.

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  • Negative-pressure therapy versus standard wound care: a meta-analysis of randomized trials.

    Suissa D, Danino A, Nikolis A. Negative-pressure therapy versus standard wound care: a meta-analysis of randomized trials. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2011 Nov;128(5):498e-503e.

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  • Vacuum-assisted closure for defects of the abdominal wall.

    DeFranzo AJ, Pitzer K, Molnar JA, Marks MW, Chang MC, Miller PR, Letton RW, Argenta LC. Vacuum-assisted closure for defects of the abdominal wall. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2008 Mar;121(3):832-9

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  • Vacuum-assisted  closure: microdeformations of wounds and cell proliferation.

    Saxena V, Hwang CW, Huang S, Eichbaum Q, Ingber D, Orgill DP. Vacuum-assisted  closure: microdeformations of wounds and cell proliferation. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2004 Oct;114(5):1086-96; discussion 1097-8.

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  • Vacuum-assisted closure: a new method for wound control and treatment: animal studies and basic foundation.

    Morykwas MJ, Argenta LC, Shelton-Brown EI, McGuirt W. Vacuum-assisted closure: a new method for wound control and treatment: animal studies and basic foundation. Ann Plast Surg. 1997 Jun;38(6):553-62.

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  • Bacterial load in relation to vacuum-assisted closure wound therapy: a prospective randomized trial.

    Mouës CM, Vos MC, van den Bemd GJ, Stijnen T, Hovius SE. Bacterial load in relation to vacuum-assisted closure wound therapy: a prospective randomized trial. Wound Repair Regen. 2004 Jan-Feb;12(1):11-7.

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  • Vacuum-assisted wound closure after resection of musculoskeletal tumors.

    Bickels J, Kollender Y, Wittig JC, Cohen N, Meller I, Malawer MM. Vacuum-assisted wound closure after resection of musculoskeletal tumors. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2005 Dec;441:346-50.

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3M™ Veraflo™ Therapy avec Smart Instill™

  • Effect of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy With Instillation on Bioburden in Chronically Infected Wounds

    NPWTi-d provides both, planktonic and non-planktonic bioburden reduction in wounds

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  • Comparison of Outcomes for Normal Saline and an Antiseptic Solution for Negative-Pressure Wound Therapy with Instillation.

    Kim PJ, Attinger CE, Oliver N, Garwood C, Evans KK, Steinberg JS, Lavery LA. Comparison of Outcomes for Normal Saline and an Antiseptic Solution for Negative-Pressure Wound Therapy with Instillation. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2015 Nov;136(5):657e-64e.

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  • First experiences with negative pressure wound therapy and instillation in the treatment of infected orthopaedic implants: a clinical observational study.

    Lehner B, et al. First experiences with negative pressure wound therapy and instillation in the treatment of infected orthopaedic implants: a clinical observational study. Int Orthop 2011 September 1;35(9):1415-20

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  • Negative pressure wound therapy with instillation: a pilot study describing a new method for treating infected wounds

    NPWT with 0.5% silver nitrate instillation showed a significant decrease in the mean time to bioburden reduction, wound closure and hospital discharge compared with traditional wet-to-moist wound care. NPWT with instillation may reduce cost and decrease inpatient care requirements for these complex, infected wounds.

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  • NPWTi-d is a valid option for the conservative treatment of critical patients with abdominal wall wound dehiscence and exposed infected mesh

    NPWTi-d is a valid option for the conservative treatment of critical patients with abdominal wall wound dehiscence and exposed infected mesh

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  • Evaluating the Efficacy of Treating Patients with Negative Pressure Wound Therapy with Automated Volumetric Fluid Instillation

    NPWTi assists in wound cleansing and exudate removal, which may allow for earlier wound closure compared to standard NPWT.

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  • The impact of negative-pressure wound therapy with instillation compared with standard negative-pressure wound therapy: a retrospective, historical, cohort, controlled study.

    Kim PJ, Attinger CE, Steinberg JS et al. The impact of negative-pressure wound therapy with instillation compared with standard negative-pressure wound therapy: a retrospective, historical, cohort, controlled study. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2014 March 1;133(3):709-16.

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  • Negative pressure wound treatment with polyvinyl alcohol foam and polyhexanide antiseptic solution instillation in posttraumatic osteomyelitis

    In post-traumatic osteomyelitis negative pressure instillation therapy significantly reduces the need for repeated surgical interventions, aids in the reduction of the rate of recurrence of infections and the duration of hospital stay in comparison with the standard approach.

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  • Novel foam dressing using negative pressure wound therapy with instillation to remove thick exudate

    Novel foam dressing using negative pressure wound therapy with instillation to remove thick exudate

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  • Implant salvage in breast reconstruction with severe peri-prosthetic infection

    VERAFLO™ Therapy with saline was used as part of an implant salvage protocol for patients with severe peri-prosthetic infection following breast reconstruction.

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  • Negative pressure wound therapy with saline instillation: 131 patient case series.

    NPWTi with saline, after proper debridement, was sufficient to shift the wound healing trajectory from risk of infection and delayed healing to granulation formation.

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  • Sterile-water negative pressure instillation therapy for complex wounds and NPWT failures.

    Fluieraru S, et al. Sterile-water negative pressure instillation therapy for complex wounds and NPWT failures. Journal of Wound Care. 2013 Jun 12;22(6):293-9.

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Systeme de thérapie SNAP™

  • A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Treatment of Venous Leg Ulcers Using Mechanically Versus Electrically Powered Negative Pressure Wound Therapy

    This study compares SNAP™ Therapy System with V.A.C.® Therapy and concludes that the mechanically powered negative pressure wound care system shows greater improvement of complete wound closure.

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  • Comparative effectiveness of mechanically and electrically powered negative pressure wound therapy devices: A multicenter randomized controlled trial

    This study compares the SNAP™ Therapy System with V.A.C.® Therapy in the treatment of chronic lower extremity wounds and shows that both therapy systems reveal comparable clinical outcomes

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  • Evaluation of Chronic Wound Treatment with the SNaP Wound Care System versus Modern Dresing Protocols

    SNAP™ Therapy System showed similar clinical outcomes as powered negative-pressure wound therapy devices for the treatment of highly challenging lower extremity wounds.

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  • Comparative effectiveness of the SNAP™ Wound Care System

    SNAP™ Therapy System saved substantial treatment costs and allowed patients greater freedom and mobility.

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La thérapie ABTHERA™

  • Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of the Open Abdomen and Temporary Abdominal Closure Techniques in Non-trauma Patients

    In this review of the literature on OA and TAC in peritonitis patients, the best results in achieving delayed fascial closure and risk of enteroatmospheric fistula were shown for NPWT with continuous fascial retraction.

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  • Active Negative Pressure Peritoneal Therapy After Abbreviated Laparotomy – The intraperitoneal Vacuum Randomized Controlled Trial.

    ABTHERA™ Therapy was associated with a reduction in 90-day mortality when compared to the Barker vacuum pack technique.

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  • Prospective Study Examining Clinical Outcomes Associated with a Negative Pressure Wound Therapy System and Barker's Vacuum Packing Technique.

    Cheatham ML, et al. Prospective Study Examining Clinical Outcomes Associated with a Negative Pressure Wound Therapy System and Barker's Vacuum Packing Technique. World Journal of Surgery 2013 September 1;37(9):2018-30

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  • Are Commercial Negative Pressure Systems Worth the Cost in Open Abdomen Management?

    Frazee RC, et al. Are Commercial Negative Pressure Systems Worth the Cost in Open Abdomen Management? Journal of the American College of Surgeons 2013 April 1;216(4):730-3.

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  • Total management of the open abdomen.

    Demetriades D. Total management of the open abdomen.  International Wound Journal 2012 Aug; 9(Suppl 1):17-24.

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Le traitement de la graisse grâce au système REVOLVE™


    Autologous Fat Processing Via REVOLVE™ System, Ansorge et al., Aesthet Surg J. 2014 Mar;34(3):438-47. doi: 10.1177/1090820X14524416

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    Autologous fat grafting to the breast using REVOLVE to reduce clinical costs. Jarrell JA IV, Brzezienski MA. Ann Plast Surg. 2016 Sep;77(3):286-9. doi: 10.1097/SAP.0000000000000590

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Strattice™ Reconstruction mammaire


    Immediate breast reconstruction using porcine acellular dermal matrix (Strattice™): Long-term outcomes and complications, Salzberg et al., J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2013 Mar;66(3):323-8. doi: 10.1016/j.bjps.2012.10.015. Epub 2012 Nov 13

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    Immediate breast reconstruction with acellular dermal matrix: Factors affecting outcome, Lardi AM, Ho-Asjoe M, Mohanna PN, Farhadi J, Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery; 67(8):1098-105.

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    Efficacy of Acellular Dermal Matrices in Revisionary Aesthetic Breast Surgery: a 6-year Experience, Maxwell et al., Aesthet Surg J. 2013 Mar;33(3):389-99. doi: 10.1177/1090820X13478967. Epub 2013 Feb 25

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Matrice tissulaire reconstructive Strattice™


    Prospective study of single-stage repair of contaminated hernias using a biologic porcine tissue matrix: The RICH Study, Itani KM, Rosen M, Vargo D, Awad SS, Denoto G 3rd, Butler CE; RICH Study Group, Surgery; 152(3):498-505

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    Outcome of Abdominal Wall Hernia Repair with Biologic Mesh: Permacol™ versus Strattice™, Cheng, Am Surg. 2014 Oct;80(10):999-1002

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    Improved Outcomes in the Management of High-Risk Incisional Hernias Utilizing Biological Mesh and Soft-Tissue Reconstruction a single center Experience, Dinakar et al., Int Surg. 2014 May-Jun;99(3):235-40. doi: 10.9738/INTSURG-D-13-00170.1

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    Biologic Mesh in Ventral Hernia Repair: Outcomes, Recurrence, and Charge Analysis, Huntington et al., Surgery. 2016 Dec;160(6):1517-1527. doi: 10.1016/j.surg.2016.07.008. Epub 2016 Aug 12.

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    Ventral Hernia: Retrospective Cost Analysis of Primary Repair, Repair with Synthetic Mesh, and Repair with Acellular Xenograft Implant, DeNoto et al., Open Access Surgery, May 2013

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