PREVENA™ Incision Management System
The PREVENA™ Incision Management System protects the incision from external contamination, helps hold incision edges together, removes fluid and infection materials, and delivers continuous negative pressure at -125mmHg for up to seven days.
PREVENA™ Incision Management System Features:
- Single-patient use
- Lightweight and portable
- One-touch operation for continuous negative pressure -125mmHg up to 7 days
- Multiple dressing options for linear, non-linear, and multiple incisions
- Replaceable canister
- Audible and visual alarms
- Compatible with approved V.A.C. Therapy unit
PREVENA™ Therapy helps manage and protect surgical incisions utilizing unique PEEL & PLACE™ or CUSTOMIZABLE™ Dressings by:
- Helping hold incision edges together
Removing fluids and infectious materials
Acting as a barrier to external contamination
Delivering continuous negative pressure (-125mmHg) for up to 7 days
The PREVENA™ Incision Management System is intended to manage the environment for surgical incisions that continue to drain following sutured or stapled closure by maintaining a closed environment and removing exudate via the application of negative pressure wound therapy.
For maximum benefit, the PREVENA™ Incision Management System should be applied immediately post surgery to clean surgically closed wounds. It is to be continuously applied for a minimum of 2 days up to a maximum of 7 days. It can transition home with the patient; however, all PREVENA™ Dressing changes should be performed under direct medical supervision.
- Reduction of groin wound complications in vascular surgery patients using closed incision negative pressure therapy (ciNPT): a prospective, randomised, single-institution study
- A systematic review and meta-analysis including GRADE qualification of the risk of surgical site infections after prophylactic negative pressure wound therapy compared with conventional dressings in clean and contaminated surgery.
- Closed-incision Negative-Pressure Therapy in Obese Patients Undergoing Cesarean Delivery: A Randomized Controlled Trial
- Improving wound healing and preventing surgical site complications of closed surgical incisions: a possible role of Incisional Negative Pressure Wound Therapy. A systematic review of the literature
- Closed Incision Negative Pressure Therapy is Associated with Decreased Surgical Site Infections: A Meta-analysis.
- Closed incision negative pressure therapy: international multidisciplinary consensus recommendations
- Incisional Negative Pressure Wound Therapy after High-Risk Lower Extremity Fractures
- Negative Pressure Wound Therapy to Treat Hematomas and Surgical Incisions Following High-Energy Trauma
- Effect of surgical incision management on wound infections in a poststernotomy patient population.
- Closed-incision Negative-Pressure Therapy Versus Antimicrobial Dressings After Revision Hip and Knee Surgery: A Comparative Study
- Negative pressure wound therapy to prevent seromas and treat surgical incisions after total hip arthroplasty.
- The use of a surgical incision management system on vascular surgery incisions: a pilot study.
- Positive outcomes with negative pressure therapy over primarily closed large abdominal wall reconstruction reduces surgical site infection rates.
- Effect of Single-Use Negative Pressure Wound Therapy on Postcesarean Infections and Wound Complications for High-Risk Patients.
- Experience with a new negative pressure incision management system in prevention of groin wound infection in vascular surgery patients